HPSSSB Clerk Answer Key Post Code - 484

HPSSSB Clerk Answer Key Post Code - 484, Answer Key will be available soon on our website. There are more than 50000+ students which are expected to appear in Test. So the competition will be high and the expected cut off for the clerk will be 150+ according to previous scores. You can check your result after the official Answer key of Clerk 484 will be uploaded to the site.

Hamirpur board will be going to recruit the 320 clerk in upcoming days and according to previous exams, we hope that the clerk exam will behave expected cut of 140 - 150. Get you Clerk Postcode 484 answer key soon & when we update the links given below.

Answer Key बहुत जल्दी हमारी वेबसाइट पर available हो जाएगी. जैसी हमें क्लर्क 484 से सम्बंधित कोई जानकारी मिलेगी हम आपको यांह पे ज़रूर आगाह करेंगे. इसीलिए आप रेगुलर इस page को खोलते रहें.

HPSSSB Clerk Answer Key Post Code 484

When the answer key will be uploaded to the official site you will be able to download the official key from below given link guys. An answer key is provided below for every series.

Provisional Answer Key is Available here:

The link will be updated soon and you will be able to download Clerk answer key 2017 of Himachal Pradesh Staff Service Selection board.


  1. What would be expected cut off for the post of clerk

    1. Expected Cut off for Clerk post code - 484 :

      Gen - 140-155

      Gen.(IRDP) - 130 - 145

      Obc - 115 - 130

      SC - 125 - 140

  2. But as compare to junior office assistant exam this exam was tough ...how the cut off can so high ..as you mentioned

    1. it's expected @pooja brar

      Cause many candidates claims that, there marks will be around 150-160.

      We take surveys online and offline, so that's why I mentioned the above cut off. But you are right, the exam was tough. So, may be some candidates lied and distract the scholars :)

  3. Any idea when the result would declare


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