HPSSSB Supervisor Question Paper and Answers GK 2017 | Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh Staff Service Selection Board Supervisor question papers. HPSSSB Syllabus exam and question papers. HP latest Supervisor question papers. Himachal Supervisor demo question paper. 

Welcome to the online portal of Himachal Pradesh general knowledge and question papers. Here at HPGK.online you will found the latest general knowledge questions and answers. There are so many students who requested an HPSSSB Supervisor Question Papers. So, for them today We will be going to post most significant and repeated questions below.

In supervisor question, paper important GK questions are listed. The problems are related to all the category of the controller. Old question papers are also included in the below sections. The students who any help regarding the supervisor question papers ask in the comment box.

HPSSSB supervisor question papers 2017
HPSSSB Supervisor 

HPSSSB Supervisor Questions and GK 2017

All the below-given questions are important and selected from the previous question papers. So, just save the web page or create a bookmark of our website. Let's start the GK study....

अजंता - एलोरा की गुफाएं कहाँ पर स्थित हैं?
  • औरंगाबाद, महाराष्ट्र 

भारत की सबसे ऊँची पर्वत चोटी कौन सी है?
  • K-2

पोंग बांध परियोजना कहाँ पर स्थित है?
  • तलवाड़ा ( ज़िला काँगड़ा )

रेणुका झील का सबंध किस देवता से है?
  • परशुराम

हिमालय बोटेनिकल गार्डन कहाँ पर है?
  • कुफरी 

सिख धर्म की स्थापना किसने की?
  • गुरु नानक 

मोती लाल नेहरु पुस्तकालय अवस्थित है?
  • सोलन में

भीमा काली मंदिर अवस्थित है?
  • सराहन में

सेब अनुसन्धान केंद्र अवस्थित है?
  • मशोबरा में

हिमाचल Pradesh का राज्य पक्षी क्या है?
  • जुजुराना

वीरभद्र सिंह प्रथम बार Himachal Pradesh के मुख्यमंत्री कब बने?
  • 1983 में

HPSSSB Supervisor General Intelligence Question Paper

Choose the correct option which will continue the process.....

  1. FGI, GHJ, HIK,.....?

    a) GJK
    b) IJL
    c) JKL
    d) FGK
    e) KLN

    Ans: b) IJL
  2. ZOA, XMC, VIE, TEG,......?

    a) RAJ
    b) RAG
    c) QAE
    d) SAG
    e) RAI

    Ans: e) RAI
  3. KTZ, MNX, OIV, QET.......?

    a) SAR
    b) SAP
    c) RAS
    d) RAP
    e) SAQ

    Ans: e) SAQ
  4. BAF, FAJ, JAN, NAR....?

    a) RAP
    b) SAQ
    c) REW
    d) SEV
    e) RAV

    Ans: e) RAV
  5. ACX, CEV, EGT, GIR, ....?

    a) IKP
    b) JLO
    c) HJQ
    d) ILP
    e) JKO

    Ans: a) IKP
  6. ZAB, YBC, XCD, WDE, ....?

    a) UFG
    b) VEG
    c) VEF
    d) VFG
    e) UEF

    Ans: c) VEF
  7. ZAC, XCF, VEI, TGL, ...?

    a) QIO
    b) RIO
    c) QJP
    d) RIN
    e) None of the Above

    Ans: b) RIO
  8. BAC, CBD, DCE, EDF, ...?

    a) FGH
    b) FEH
    c) FEG
    d) FGG
    e) EFG

    Ans: c) FEG
  9. ACE, BDF, CEG, DFH, ...?

    a) FHJ
    b) EHJ
    c) FGI
    d) EGI
    e) EHI

    Ans: d) EGI
  10. LKJ, ONM, RQP, UTS, ....?

    a) ZYX
    b) YXW
    c) WVU
    d) WVX
    e) ZWV

    Ans: e) ZWV

Some other important GK for Supervisor Posts

➤Himachal Pradesh University was established in which year? -  1970(Summer Hill Shimla)

➤War Memorial is situated in which place of Himachal Pradesh? -  Dharamshala(H.P.)

➤National Institute of Fashion Technology is located in which district? -  Kangra.

➤Badbhag Singh Fair is the famous fair of which District?  -  Una (h.p.)

➤Prashar Lake is related to which district?  -  Mandi (h.p.)

➤Sainik school is situated in which place?  -  Sujanpur (Hamirpur)

➤Who is known as the Magician of hockey?  - Dhyanchand

➤Where is Litan Memorial located?  -  Nahan

➤Which is known as the Banaras of Himachal Pradesh?  - Mandi

HPSSSB Supervisor PDF GK Test Paper 

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So, these are the some of the best and important questions for Himachal Pradesh Staff Service Selection Board supervisor posts. These HPSSSB supervisor question papers are made by searching a lot of previous papers. 

An update will be made in a short time Stay connected to us.

Coming Soon...................


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