Samanya Gyan in Hindi Question & Answer PDF 2018 - 2017
Samanya Gyan in Hindi Question Answer 2018 - 2017 , Here are the latest questions and answer in Hindi for the upcoming exams like SSC and UPSC. Now you can crack any ssc and state exam from the below given questions and answers. Dear Aspirants, The candidates who are trying to get elected into the Govt. Jobs have a lot's of competition for the jobs. So, why are you wasting your time read the most important Samanya Gyan Questions and Answer in Hindi from the below given links? Samanya Gyan Questions and Answers in Hindi 2018 - 2017 Check out the most important questions and answers in Hindi. Which will very important for upcoming 2018 exams. So, here we go: 1. भगवान बुद्ध को ज्ञान की प्राप्ति कहाँ हुई थी? बोधगया 2. आर्य समाज की स्थापना किसने की ? स्वामी दयानंद ने 3. पंजाबी भाषा की लिपि कौनसी है ? गुरुमुखी 4. भारत की मुख्य भूमि का दक्षिणतम किनारा कौनसा है ? कन्याकुमारी 5. भारत में सबसे पहले सूर्य किस राज्य में निकलता है ? अरुणाचल प्रदेश 6. इंसुलि...